Team Build - Farad Connect

Help the Planet and Your Wallet!

About the Space
![](file-guid:82cec98f-b7f8-43eb-ac88-1afe80d3e69a "farad-tokens-how.jpg") ## Help promote clean energy and earn with Farad Connect. Farad has a [US Patent (11962710)]( "US Patent (11962710)") for a blockchain token (Farad) distribution that represents kilowatt hours of zero carbon renewable energy (CO2 not emitted into the atmosphere). The token can be generated with a purchased generator/existing generator or purchased. Tokens can be sold to companies that need carbon credits! There is a rewarding comp plan that pays on 15 levels, mobile app, etc. ## **Cost**\: $5.95/mo ## **Join Farad Connect as a Team!** 1. **View the [Overview PDF]( "Overview PDF")** 2. **Join this Space**\ \-Blue button above or **[this link]( "this link")**\ \-Register a free InstantDownlines account if needed (email verification required) 3. Make a payment of $5.95 4. Add your Farad Connect link to the **[Team Build section of your profile]( "Team Build section of your profile")** so others can be assigned to you! 5. Share this []( space with others using the Invite button or **[this link]( "this link")**!


Profile picture of System Administrator


Profile picture of Syd (GeneYuss)

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