TeamBuild - Go Bingo Hunger

Help End Hunger with Bingo!

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About the Space
## Help end hunger with Go Bingo Hunger! Become a Hunger hero for free and get credits to play bingo (and other games) where you can win more credits. If you make a donation you can feed a child for $1 a day and get game credits. There is also a rewarding compensation plan for referring others that donate. ## **Cost**\: Free (Optional $30 donation) ## **Join Go Bingo Hunger as a Team!** 1. **Watch the Overview video (4min)**\ [![gobingo-video-cover_400.png](file-guid:fd0bc376-1206-42a9-9fe2-c8f0dbe16819 "gobingo-video-cover_400.png")]( "Feed Kids and Earn!") 2. **Join this Space**\ \-Blue button above or **[this link]( "this link")**\ \-Register a free InstantDownlines account if needed (email verification required) 3. Make a donation of $30+ (optional) 4. Add your GoBingoForHunger link to the **[Team Build section of your profile]( "Team Build section of your profile")** so others can be assigned to you! 5. Share this []( space with others using the Invite button or **[this link]( "this link")**!


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Profile picture of Jazleigh Walker